Some Cycles Reports

This is a collection of reports on cycles and is intended to give the flavour of discoveries in cycles and some references.

The book "Cosmic Rhythms" looks at the origin and structure of cycles in the lithosphere, magetosphere, ionosphere, weather and climate, biology and knowledge.

From page 46, cycles reported include:

Solar activity: 1.09, 1.5, 2.2, 2.7, 3.5, 4.4, 5.5, 8, 10.2, 11.15, 12, 17, 22.2, 26, 34, 45, 59, 85, 96, 169, 178, 200, 400, 600, 900 and 2400 years.

Solar r-modes: 323, 315, 285, 240, 200, 155, 120, 114, 87, 53, 44, 34, 30, 29-26, 23, 21, 17, 13.5, 9, 7, 5, 3.5 days.
details: 28.75, 28.56, 28.20, 28.00, 27.80, 27.44, 27.25, 27.07, 26.87, 26.73 days.

Solar g-modes: 204.5, 200.0, 196.2, 192.1, 190.1, 183.7, 180.0, 175.5, 171.5, 170.6, 163.3, 160.01, 158.6, 153.8, 152.7, 150.1, 143.2, 139.4, 136.4, 130.0, 126.7, 122.3, 119.5, 116.7, 115.5 minutes.

From page 158, cycles reported include:

Historical: 4.3, 5.2, 7.1, 10.5, 12.5, 16.1, 22.0, 35, 55, 130, 170, 200, 263, 317, 350 years

Index of Battles: 6.0, 9.6, 11.2, 17.7, 22.0, 53, 143, 164 years

In his book "Nanocycles Method" Professor S Afansiev of Moscow University describes how he has determined accurately the variations in short term cycles laid down in rock strata. These variations are due to the changing period of the lunar nodal cycle which affects rainfall and hence the variations in thickness of silt deposits in making the rocks. As well as the nodal cycle itself it is possible to detect the interaction periods of the cycle with the annual cycle of the seasons. Using these interaction periods the nodal cycle period can be determined to high precision, and as the period varies continuously due to tidal interaction with the earth, the exact date of deposits can be determined. The book contains some 80 pages of tables showing the nodal period and the interaction periods at 0.2 million year intervals for the last 600 million years. A brief summary of the recent values is:

Million years ago       100     80     60     40     20      0

Nodal period (years)   3.278  3.814  4.523  5.504  6.951  9.298
In any given age, the Nodal period interacts with the seasons so as to produce further cycles. The first of these is calculated by dividing the nodal period by its difference from the nearest integer, so that at present the nodal period of 9.298 years would produce an interaction cycle of 9.298/(9.298-9) = 31.2 years. This interaction period is very sensitive to the length of the nodal cycle, for example varying from 46 to 31 years as the nodal cycle varies from 9.2 to 9.3 years, and so measuring it allows the very accurate measure of the nodal cycle and therefore the age of the strata.

Using the established ages in this manner Prof Afansiev was able to determine the periods of other geological cycles in strata to an unprecedented high precision.

The book "ATLAS of Natural Processes" has an analysis of cycles for very many natural processes. Variations in gravity accelerations, seismo-acoustic noise, barometric and temperature variations and their spectra are shown below.

In the magazine "Cycles" for March/April 1994 there is an article "The Great Law of the Universe" by Irving I Dardik. He discusses how the structure of the universe is based on non-linear systems with waves within waves.

Book References

"Cycles Classic Library Collection". Selected writings from "Cycles" magazine by Edward R Dewey. Available from the Foundation for the Study of Cycles (see Index) this is the "Bible" of cycles.

"CLIMATE History, Periodicity, and Predictability" ed by M R Rampino, J E Sanders, W S Newman, L K Konigsson. A look at cycles in climate and the astronomical connections. This book has more than 60 pages of cycles references. ISBN 0-442-27866-7

"Megacycles" edited by G Williams. All about cycles in geology.

"ATLAS of natural processes" Vol 1 by 12 authors. ISBN 5-201-11897-6. In Russian with English subtitles.

"Cosmic Rhythms" by B Vladimirsky, V Narmansky, N Temurjants. ISNB 5-7780-0708-6. In Russian with English subtitles.

"Nanocycles Method" by S Afanasiev. ISBN 5-7045-0109-5. In Russian. On a method of very accurately dating strata by the use of precise geological cycles.

"Physical Review D - Particles and Fields" Vol 50 No 3 ed by L S Brown, D L Nordstrum. email:"". Everything about particles and particle theory. Also available in a smaller version "Particle Physics booklet".

"Cycles in Humans and Nature: an annotated bibliography" John T Burns. An interdisciplinary cycles reference guide arranged by subject. ISBN 0-8108-2831-6.

"Electromagnetic Man" Cyril W Smith & Simon Best. ISBN 0-460-04698-5. J M Dent & Sons London. A very comprehensive book about health and hazard in the electrical environment but also covering much about electromagnetism in the cosmos as well.

"The Cycles of Heaven" Guy Lyon Playfair and Scott Hill. ISBN 0-330-25676-9. Pan books. Cosmic forces and what they are doing to you, including much research translated into english for the first time.

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